Army SMDC HEL-TVDThe Army's HEL-TVD program is focused on developing a high-energy laser system capable of detecting and tracking targets in real-time. The program aimed to leverage advanced technologies to enhance the Army's war-fighting capabilities and provide significant improvement in the service's ability to detect and engage moving targets. HEL-TVD demonstrated capabilities of a 100kW-class laser with a precision pointing, high-velocity target tracking beam.
What TFSG did:
The HELIOS program is a U.S. Navy research and development (R&D) effort focused on developing a high-energy laser weapon system capable of countering artillery, missiles, and aircraft threats. HELIOS has revolutionized how the U.S. Navy approaches defense technology.
What TFSG did:
The HELCAP program aimed to tackle a variety of problems plaguing high energy laser weapons programs.
What TFSG did:
What TFSG did:
- Thermal Subject Matter Experts
- Thermal and Thermodynamic System Design & Analysis
- Beam Dump and Cooling System Design/Build
- Operations & Maintenance Manuals